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Volunteer with CHNK

We love volunteers! But given the unique needs of our clients, CHNK Behavioral Health has limited opportunities for individuals and groups hoping to provide onsite support. Further, we require volunteers to be 21 years of age or older for opportunities on one of our campuses and/or with our clients.

Before filling out the volunteer form, please review the volunteer opportunities detailed below, along with the volunteer FAQs, to make sure we are a good fit for your interests.


Volunteer Opportunities at CHNK

Community Board of CHNK

Established in 1935 as a volunteer fundraising group at Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky, the Community Board has one goal: to provide hope and opportunity.

The individuals who comprise today’s Community Board look a bit different from the original board in 1935. Today’s members are no longer the wives of the (then) male-dominated Board of Trustees. They are now business professionals, entrepreneurs, activists, parents, and philanthropists making time in their busy 21st century schedules to put the needs of at-risk youth on their priority list.

Learn more about the Community Board of CHNK

Board of Trustees Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) have skill sets relevant to at least one of the standing committees of the CHNK Board of Trustees and serve at the pleasure of the Board. They serve one-year terms, renewable indefinitely, and unlike trustees they do not have voting power. The Board of Trustees meets quarterly from 4 – 6:30PM on a Monday evening. A SME serves on one of the following committees:

  • Finance Committee

  • Fundraising Committee

  • Human Resources/Personnel Committee

  • Programming Committee

  • Real Estate and Facilities Committee

Donation/Supply Drive

We are always grateful for volunteers who can help us with fundraising and in-kind donations. Could that be you? Volunteers who coordinate a donation or supply drive on our behalf work with our Director of Advancement to determine what type of drive it will be, when and where it will be held, and how best to advertise it. This is an especially good opportunity for introducing philanthropy and “giving back” to school-age youth!

Host a Fundraising Event

CHNK has a perfect opportunity for you to be social for a cause! We’re looking for bridge builders in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area who are willing to introduce us to their network of friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, and other connections. These micro-events of approximately 15-20 guests take place at CHNK’s main campus and are geared towards raising awareness and funding for our organization. Ideally, the event is held on a weeknight beginning around 5:30 / 6:00 p.m. and concludes within two hours.

Learn more about hosting a fundraising event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I interact directly with your clients in residential care?

Given the unique behavioral health needs of our young clients, opportunities to interact directly with them are limited to group activities that are planned in advance in partnership with our Recreational Therapist.

What constitutes a group? We’ve had church groups, civic groups, groups from local businesses, and even a group of neighbors take part in activities with our clients. They’ve done craft projects like building birdhouses, sponsored a pizza dinner followed by a kickball tournament, and our friends at Citi annually hold a track-and-field style Olympic Day each fall!

Volunteer groups must be flexible with regard to the date and time of an activity, since we work special, volunteer-driven activities into our clients’ existing treatment schedules.

Do you have an age requirement for volunteers?

Any volunteer interacting directly with our young clients must be 21 years of age or older. If you are volunteering with a group, you are not permitted to bring your own children to a client-focused activity.

If you are taking part in a community-focused activity, such as holding a donation drive on our behalf or canvassing neighborhoods with CHNK door hangers, the age requirement does not apply.

Do you offer internships or work study opportunities?

We do! For more information about interning at CHNK or taking part in a work study, please contact our Human Resources team at humanresources@chnk.org or by calling us at 859.261.8768. Please note, we require a minimum two-week notice for potential internship or work study placements.

I have court-mandated service hours to complete. Can you help?

At this time, we do not have opportunities for individuals needing to complete court-mandated service hours.

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