What Makes Us Unique
CHNK Behavioral Health associates are a diverse team focused on providing excellent healthcare services to an unique array of clients and families. Our board members, associates, and donors are committed to expanding access to mental health services with a special focus on at-risk families and individuals. Our goal is for every person visiting one of our locations to feel safe and affirmed. How do we accomplish this goal? By working with local and national organizations who partner with us in the arenas of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. CHNK associates engage in training exercises on an ongoing basis to maximize positive treatment outcomes for clients and families who identify as members of minority and traditionally marginalized populations.
Sanctuary Model for Trauma Informed Care
CHNK Behavioral Health is the first organization in the Commonwealth of Kentucky to have achieved certification in the international Sanctuary Model. The model is a blueprint for clinical and organization change which, at its core, promotes safety and recovery from adversity through the active creation of a trauma-informed community. CHNK was first accredited in the model in 2018. Other Kentucky providers are now following the lead of CHNK in adopting this flagship model of care.
All Children - All Families
Partnering with the national Human Rights Campaign Foundation, CHNK seeks to remedy systemic inequalities such as the over-representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth in out-of-home care. LGBTQ youth and families experience higher-than-average adverse childhood experiences and adverse community environments compared to non-LGBTQ populations which can result in increased mental health and behavioral healthcare needs. CHNK associates and board members actively participate in community-wide Pride events aimed at elevating awareness of issues of importance to this community.
Ellequate Gender Equity Certification
Ellequate is an award-winning employer certification and cohort-based leadership program for intersectional workplace equity. CHNK is committed to addressing the root causes of inequality that impacts our forward momentum with diversity, equity, inclusion and access. When originally certified in 2018, CHNK was one of only two Northern Kentucky nonprofits awarded the certification which acknowledges empowerment of female associates and above average female representation in leadership position in the organization.
Top Counties and Cities Served
CHNK envisions communities free from environments and childhood experiences limiting hope and opportunity. We strive for communities that are inclusive, innovative, and inspiring, and those that empower future possibilities. The following map demonstrates this commitment and our relevancy throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.